The Best Ways to Seize the Power of Now

Today, you can become the master of your own destiny, move forward even in quarantine, and become the great professional you were always meant to be.  If you are waiting for things to get back to normal, don’t.  They likely will never be the same again.  Instead, choose to commit and act NOW!

Across the country, we are all coming to grips with the devastating loss of thousands of lives and the idea our way of life has been changed in ways we may not yet even comprehend.   Let us join together in figuring out how to be better, smarter and faster in our work from home economy, prepare ourselves to be even more successful once the doors open back up,  taking time to celebrate those who bravely respond to the crisis each day, lifting up those who still suffer as a result of the virus, and honoring those who have lost the fight.

And Let us all be strengthened by the promise of how we will rebuild and continue, together, to grow stronger each day.

Let’s do it….NOW!

Times like these remind us of the Power of Now.  Think about these things:

  • When would be a good time to implement your new idea that could very well change the trajectory of your performance?  The answer is simple, isn’t it?  You should get started right now!
  • If you want to increase sales, Exceed Expectations and dramatically add value to your company and your personal brand, when would be a good time to go deeper with the right clients?  Next month?  That won’t work!  You need to start today.   As a matter of fact, you need to start right now!  Immediately go deeper.
  • If you have a habit that is hindering your performance and robbing your time, when do you want to get rid of that beast?  Well, certainly it ain’t later.  You must do that now!
  • When would be a great time to achieve stellar, peak performance?  Should you delay a week to exercise the things you have been thinking about you know will contribute greatly to success?  Of course not.  Start right now!
  • Since everyone still has BIG objectives and wildly important goals to deliver on this year, when should we pursue them?  When the time is right?  When we emerge from quarantine?  When everything is perfect?  Come ON…!  The time is right NOW!

It is never too late to achieve all you were meant to….This cloistering we are forced into shouldn’t hold you back.  It should build in you a spirit of entrepreneurship meant to point you into new and inventive directions and to create ways to still accomplish more.  The people who make things happen, even in times of apparent austerity, value and share a profound sense of urgency.  You were likely brought onto your team because your profile says you have it.

Let us reignite that fire in our collective bellies today.  Let us burn brightly, step up our game, raise the bar, be bold, astound ourselves and choose NOW!

We have but one life to be all we can, so start NOW.  Throughout this work from home Challenge, no matter what you think, say, believe or feel, in the end, there will be no value to you staying steady state. Execute and act immediately.

Do it NOW!

Creating a do it now attitude replaces question marks with exclamation points in your work effort!  So:

  • The unwritten proposal – write and deliver it today!
  • The Key Decision Maker (KDM) you have been meaning to connect with and understand – connect and ask them to join us…NOW!
  • The visit you have been fearful of making….make it today!
  • The business you are going to win someday….make that today!
  • The daily Rigor you are going to implement…Why wait?  Do it today!
  • The resolution to serve more earnestly and give more to the team…..get great NOW!
  • The best practices you want to implement in our CRM…there is no time like the present.  Start them today!
  • And the pointless delays, empty excuses and unfounded fear that are holding you back and you know you need to dump….do that right NOW!

Do not wait for someone to give you direction to achieve your goals.  Stop putting things off because everything is not perfect — they never will be.  Stop waiting for somebody else to do something for you, like find a lead or make a connection.  Seize now!  Just do it!

Strike out fear or any belief that says to you, “You cannot do it.”  Forget about worry; it is wasted energy….payment on a debt that just may never come due.

Your job, right now, is to get out there (metaphorically speaking during this time of quarantine) and hustle harder, even as you work from home, as if everything is on the line….NOW!

To get started, begin being a better version of who you are.  To do things right and beat yoir wildly important goals,  begin here:

  1. Identify three things you have been delaying;
  2. Do them now!

Either get them achieved and closed, or get the ball rolling quickly by taking meaningful action toward completion.

Sieze the power of NOW!

Scott Rivers is the Managing Director of Cerca Talent+, a talent agency for the Diagnostic and Life Science Industries. Scott’s recruiting experience extends into the areas of Diagnostics, Life Sciences, Oncology and Genetics. His team manages recruitment for all levels within the commercial area of these businesses. 

As a leader who has worked at all levels of commercial, medical sales and global marketing, Scott is an intense professional who works with organizations to fine tune talent branding. If you are a leader looking to expand your team with professionals who are focused on delivering work in which they take pride, and you can be proud of, ever day, then Scott would be privileged to help you in the process. Having been a professional in the fields where you focus, Scott knows the ins and outs of the companies, the business and the customers you are working to come alongside. 

Cerca Talent+ is a full-service Executive Search Firm with a strategic focus in the the areas of Clinical Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics and Oncology, Genomic and Genetic Medicine. Our clients choose to work with Cerca because of our deep understanding of the industries we serve. They continue to work with us based on our extensive market knowledge, vast connections and quality of results. 

That’s a good match for any company. Partner with the group that can talk shop and gain rapport with the pros who will lead your business into the future. Email Scott Rivers today at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call direct at 201-594-2101, and we will begin the process of finding you Allstars that help you set records.

Adapted from 100 Day Challenge

Gary Ryan Blair

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